Sitting Alone in the Near Nude in the Dark Beside a Lake
Jenny Berkel
What is it about a lake that makes you think
what is it about a lake that makes you
what is it about a lake
what is it about
what is it
this one
at this hour
slap of fish
in the silent
ink blot night
body brimming
the moon shrouded
in cloud the stars
swallowed like coins
in a wishing well
black sky drips
into the cupped
hand of water
a wing whirs
a wave turns
sound unravels
turn a wave
wing a whir
watery hand
cups into the
dripping black sky
a wishing well
coins swallowed like
the stars in cloud
the shrouded moon
brimming body
ink blot night
silent in the
slap of fish
this hour
this one
what is it
what is it about
what is it about a lake
what is it about a lake that makes you
what is it about a lake that makes you think